Sunday 13 April 2014


Buphthalmos (plural: buphthalmoses) is a medical term that desribes enlargement of the eyeball and is most
commonly seen in infants and young children. It is sometimes referred to as buphthalmia (plural buphthalmias).It
usually appears in the newborn period or the first 3 months of life.121 and in most cases indicates the presence of
congenital (infantile) glaucoma, which is a disorder in which elevated pressures within the eye lead to structural eye
damage and vision loss.

Etiology :
Infantile glaucoma, which often produces the clinical sign of buphthalmos, can be caused when an abnormally narrow
angle between the comeaand ins blocks the outflow of aqueous humor;[3]this causes increased intraocular
pressure and eentual enlargement of the globe (eyeball). Angle closure can be caused by deeIopniental
abnormalities of the eye as well as the presence of abnormal structures within the ‘Âtreous.14]
Buphthalmos in itself is merely a clinical sign and does not generate symptoms. Patients with glaucoma often
initially hae no symptoms; later, they can exhibit excessie teanng (Iacnmation) and extreme sensitivity to light
(photophobia). On ophthalmologic exam, one can detect increased intraocular pressure, distortion of the optic disc,
and comeal edema, which manifests as haziness.
Prognosis and treatment:
Untreated glaucoma leads to total blindness. Surgical treatment is required. Presently-utilized surgical procedures
include goniotomy, trabeculotomy, or trabeculectomy.

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